« End of Occupation » No 1002

Israel’s Anti-annexation Warriors Should Simply Surrender Gideon Levy Kahol Lavan’s Benny Gantz faction will not give up their last stronghold. Its leaders will fight it until the last drop of blood (except, of course, by refusing to join the government):...

« Que cesse l’occupation » No. 1002

Les guerriers anti-annexion d’Israël devraient simplement abandonner Gideon Levy La faction Benny Gantz de Kahol Lavan ne renoncera pas à son dernier bastion. Ses dirigeants le combattront jusqu’à la dernière goutte de leur sang (sauf, bien sûr, en...

« Que cesse l’occupation » No. 1001

 Des sources médiatiques (y compris des sources médiatiques israéliennes) ont confirmé l’utilisation de tests pharmaceutiques parrainés par l’État israélien sur les prisonniers palestiniens dans les prisons israéliennes. Il a également été révélé que des...

« End of Occupation » No 1001

Media sources (including Israeli media sources) have confirmed the use of Israeli state-sponsored pharmaceutical testing of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. It has also been revealed that Israeli military firms are testing weapons on Palestinian children and...

« End of Occupation » No 1000

PAJU was founded in November of 2000. In February of 2001, PAJU began its series of weekly vigils every Friday based on the vigil held every Friday by Women in Black in Israel. We began our Friday vigil in front of the Israeli Consulate at the corner of René Lévesque...