31 Mai, 2019

The Iron Wall, a film from MOHAMMED ALATAR


PAJU is once again showing the superb documentary Le Mur de Fer (The Iron Wall), in English with French subtitles. Several scenes have French voice-over dubbing (done by Quebec actors). The documentary gives us a historical perspective on the dispossession of Palestinian lands and homes and the key issues of the conflict which are still current. The harsh reality of the situation on the ground for the Palestinians is presented with unabashed honesty.

On June 6th, 2019, PAJU invites you to a showing of Le Mur de Fer at the Café Kahwa, 331 Mont-Royal Est, at 8 PM. Free entrance.

You can try the Café Kahwa’s excellent coffee (great cappuccino and café latté), sweets and succulent Couscous at a reasonable price!

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